This site was originally created in 2000 in celebration of the Zinzendorf Jubilee, the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Count Nicholas Ludwig von Zinzendorf, the controversial and visionary nobleman who brought about the renewal of the Unitas Fratrum and the start of the world mission movement.
Over the past twenty-four years, around a thousand visitors a month have visited to learn about this amazing historical figure, whose life and thought impacted the world and the Christian church in so many ways. We are glad to present this newly redesigned site, which despite its “traditional” look, employs the latest in web technology to display properly on all devices.
We invite you to explore our new site and learn more about this astonishing servant of God!
Who Was Count Zinzendorf?
Website Redesign
The Zinzendorf.com website was originally developed in 2000 as part of the Zinzendorf Jubilee, the…
Upscaling Zinzendorf
We are pleased to announce that in preparation for the 25th anniversary of the Zinzendorf…
Restoring the Schloss
When we filmed Zinzendorf in 2000, the historic home of the Count and Countess was…
300th Anniversary of Herrnhut
The year 2022 marks the 300th anniversary of the founding of Herrnhut, an event of…
Mystery of the Missing Bust
What do you do when the Founder of the city is missing, and his birthday…
Zinzendorf’s ideas were revolutionary even today, much less in the 18th century.