Prayer to the Holy Spirit


1. Thou, who from the Father hast ‘Fore all Time proceeded, Spirit, by whom the Virgin Blest The Son here conceived!

2. Since the Lamb of God, so red, Is his People’s Brother, And Christ’s God their Father’s made, Thou’rt the Church’s Mother.

3. Of thy Name, O God, and Breath Grant us still the Nearness! That the Word of Jesu’s Shine to Souls with Clearness.

4. Whom from Death-Sleep of the Fall Our dear Lord doth quicken, Fetch into thy Church-Ark all; Help their Abba speaking.

5. As in greatest Things thy Will Meets with Execution: So in small shall it fulfil His Church-Constitution.

6. Of the Righteousness of God Thro’ the Blood-Effusion, Of that daily Bread and Food Thou mak’st Distribution.

7. MOTHER! all the Church’s Life Is the Father’s Kindness, Our Lord’s Patience with his Wife, And thy rich Forgiveness.

8. We would fain not tempted be, With none thus distressed; Yet if one’s chastis’d by Thee, It to him be blessed.

9. And till once the wicked Fiend Is at God’s Feet lying, (Ps. cx.1. Heb. ii.8.) Sleeps within thy Cradle screen’d The Church from his Trying.

10. Amen, Ruach Elohim! Come in th’ Name of Jesus, Thy Children’s whole Sanhedrim Rule with Instinct gracious.

Published on October 3rd, 2011

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