English Translations of Zinzendorf’s Works

PLEASE NOTE: This page is in serious need of updating. This list was complete as of 2011 but a number of other works have bee translated since then. We hope to update this soon.

Sixteen Discourses on the Redemption of Man by the Death of Christ. Translation of Berlinische Reden. London: for James Hutton, 1740.

Extract of Count Zinzendorf’s Discourses on the Redemption of Man by the Death of Christ. Translation of Berlinische Reden, by John Wesley. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1744.

A Simple Declaration of the Moravian Church, Concerning their Present and Future Labour, Among the Savages, Slaves, and other Nations of the Heathen. Translation of Einfältiger Aufsatz, 1740.

A Manual of Doctrine: Or, A Second Essay to bring into the Form of Question and Answer as well as the Fundamental Doctrines, as the other Scripture-Knowledge, of the Protestant Congregations who for 300 Years past have been call’d The Brethren. Translation of Probe Eines Lehr-Büchelgens…, 1740. London: for James Hutton, 1742.

Seven Sermons on the Godhead of the Lamb; or the Divinity of Jesus Christ. Translation of Sieben Letzte Reden, 1742. London: for James Hutton, 1742.

The Remarks which the Author of the Compendious Extract, etc. in the Preface to his Book, has Friendly desired of the Rev.of Thurenstein, for the Time Pastor of the Lutheran Congregation of J.C. in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: B. Franklin, 1742.

My Dear Fellow-Traveller, Here hast Thou a Letter, which I have wrote to Thee out of the Fulness of my Heart, and with many Tears for Thy Salvation’s Sake; and the Lamb of God hath sprinkled it with His Blood, that it will be profitable for Thee, if Thou abidest by thy Heart, or now findest thy Heart. Translation of the Pilgerbrief, 1742. London, 1742.

The Traveller’s Present, or, A Letter Giving a Short History of Religion. London: for James Hutton, 1742.

Every Man’s Right to LIve. A Sermon on Ezek. XXXIII.II. Why will ye die? Preached in Philadelphia, the 10th Day of January 1741,2. Translated by O. Malander. Philadelphia: B. Franklin, 1743.

A Letter from Lewis Thurenstein, Deacon of the Moravian Church, to People of all Ranks and Persuasions, which are in Pennsylvania; but more Especially to those who are not Bigotted to any Particular Opinion. Translated from the Latin by Philip Reading. Philadelphia: B. Franklin, 1743.

Twenty-One Discourses or Dissertations upon the Augsburg Confession, Which is also the Brethren’s Confession of Faith: Deliver’d by the Ordinary of the Brethren’s Churches before the Seminary. To which is prefixed, A Synodal Writing Relating to the Same Subject. Translation of Ein und zwanzig Discurse über die Augspurgische Confession…, 1747, by F. Okeley. London: W. Bowyer, 1753.

Nine Publick Discourses Upon Important Subjects in Religion, Preached in Fetter-Lane Chapel at London, in the year MDCCXLVI. Translator unknown. London: for James Hutton, 1748. Retranslated by George W. Forrell, Nine Public Lectures, 1973.

Acta Fratrum Unitatis in Anglia. London, 1749. Collection of various documents.

An Account of the Doctrine, Manners, Liturgy, and Idiom of the Unitas Fratrum. London, 1749.

Sixteen Discourses on Jesus Christ our Lord. Being an Exposition of the Second Part of the Creed. Translation of Berlinische Reden, 2nd edition. London: W. Bowyer, 1751.

Maxims, Theological Ideas and Sentences, out of the Present Ordinary of the Brethren’s Churches; His Dissertations and Discourses From the Year 1738 till 1747. Translated and extracted by John Gambold. London: J. Beecroft, 1751.

Peremtorisches Bedencken, or, The Ordinary of the Brethren’s Churches, his Short and Peremptory Remarks on the Way and Manner, wherein He has been hitherto treated in Controversies, and what Reasons dissuade him from descending to minuter Answers. Translation of Peremptorisches Bedenken, 1751, by John Gambold. London: for J. Beecroft, 1753.

A Consolatory Letter to the Members of the Societies, That are in some Connexion with the Brethren’s Congregations. London: John Hart, 1752.

Statutes, or, The General Principles of Practical Christianity, Extracted out of the New Testament: Designed for the Use of the Congregations in England in Union with the Unitas Fratrum. London, 1755.

An Exposition, or True State, of the Matters objected in England to the People known by the Name of Unitas Fratrum: In which, Facts are related as they are; the true Readings and Sense of Books, said to be his, (which have been laid to his Charge sometimes without sufficient Proof that they were so, and been moreover perverted and curtailed) are restored; Principles are laid down as they ought, fairly; the Practise, as it has been, is at present, and is intended for the future, is owned. Part 1. London: J. Robinson, 1755. Additions by Hutton.

An Exposition, or, True State, of the Matters objected in England to the People known by the Name of Unitas Fratrum: Part II. Wherein the remaining Principles and Practises are rightly stated, and Readings restored. London: J. Robinson, 1755.

NOTE: Londoner Predigten 1756 not translated.

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